Curriculum » Fine Arts

Fine Arts


Music a form of expression, stimulates brain development in children, integrates multiple subjects such as reading and math, reduces stress and so much more!

At St. Rita School, students learn about the fundamentals of music.

Class lessons include: learning how to read music (note names & the count of each note), rhythm & beat, time signatures, vocal training and how to properly care for your instrument.

Students attend music class two times each week.

Classes consist of:

  • Choir: TK-8th grade
  • A small-group choir will frequently participate in school mass, and Catholic schools week “Pack the Church Sunday.”
  • All choir students participate in the annual Christmas Pageant.
  • Choir members participate in the Living Stations, First Holy Communion, and Eighth Grade Baccalaureate Mass
  • Choir members have participated in events at the Los Angeles Cathedral
  • Recorder: 3rd-8th grade
  • Ukulele: 8th grade


Students from 1st-8th grade attend Art class every week. Every grade is comprehensive. It includes drawing, painting and mixed media. All students use a variety of paints and mediums to draw with. Students also learn about collage and printmaking. 4th-8th grade students will also work on digital pieces using their iPads.

Every grade level has their own curriculum which builds on the year before.

  • 1st-3rd grade projects focus on the Elements of Art.
  • 4th-8th grade lessons become more complex and incorporate what they’re learning in other classes, Art History, and personal expression.