Scrip Information
Scrip Family Requirement
As part of each family’s yearly contract with the school, each family is required to earn a minimum profit of $250.00 during the School year from June 1 through May 31.
Families who do not fulfill their Scrip commitment will be billed for the outstanding balance in June.
Don’t want to participate in the Scrip Program you may buyout is $250.00 due by November 1st this may be added to your F.A.C.T.S. account.
Sharing the Profits
Once you reach your $250.00 rebate commitment towards your Scrip requirement, 50% of your earnings will go towards your student fees that are due July 1.
Ordering Scrip
Please send your special orders into the school office on the form provided with a check attached. Orders received by Tuesday will be available for pick-up on Thursday after 11:00.
Gift Cards
Are available in the school office for purchase. A complete list and order form is available.
How does it work?
Families may sign up their Ralphs Rewards grocery card and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diner’s Club) and designate St. Rita as the recipient of the cash back.
Ralphs Market must be renewed every September 1
You must print your quarterly reports and turn them into the school office each quarter:
- September 30 for (June, July August)
- December 31 for (September, October, November)
- March 31 for (December, January, February)
- June 30 (March, April, May)
Credit Cards must be renewed every November 1
How to Register with
Log on to
Once you have created your account enroll in PrestoPay, the convenient payment system available on When you use PrestoPay, your order payment is transferred securely via electronic debit!